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The next steps of Shirley’s plans come to more light than he’d intended.
Tags: head minion, orcs, shirleyShirley leaves others in charge, just in case.
Tags: head minion, orcs, shadowy minions, shirleyThe newest hybrid beast is finally revealed. Not explained, mind you. Just revealed.
Tags: shirley, tricerapropsShirley reveals his method, and the results are almost clear.
Tags: artenir, pungent, pzamdriel, shirk, shirley, tricerapropsEven a bad guy can learn from his mistakes… Learn how to be a better bad guy!
Tags: shirley, tricerapropsFinally able to get to the point, Shirley begins the introductions.
Tags: artenir, pungent, shirley, tricerapropsThe laws of old slapstick silent movies save Shirk’s life.
Tags: andrew, nate, shirk, shirleyShirk’s return catches Shirley off guard.
Tags: andrew, nate, shadowy minions, shirk, shirleyOnce Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones