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The heroes are out, but they’re not down.
Tags: artenir, pungent, pzamdriel, shadowy minions, shirk, shirleyShirk’s consistent ability to not die has driven Shirley to drastic measures.
Tags: shirk, shirleyMore of the villain’s devious devices are unleashed.
Tags: hew, shirk, shirleyShirley resorts to plan B, but it wasn’t a very good plan.
Tags: shirk, shirleyShirk’s face-off with the villain results in a surprising discovery.
Tags: andrew, doug, shadowy minions, shirk, shirleyWith the trap sprung, Shirley begins the mocking.
Tags: artenir, hew, pungent, pzamdriel, shadowy minions, shirk, shirleyThe party makes their move, but their one-time captor has a plan.
Tags: andrew, artenir, chad, hew, pungent, pzamdriel, shadowy minions, shirk, shirleyOnce Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones