The party leaves Pungent in the Doctor’s care and head into the town of Bob.
Tags: artenir, coupon book, doctor bob, hew, pzamdriel, shirkThe party arrives at Bob’s premier health-related establishment.
Tags: artenir, coupon book, doctor bob, hew, pungent, pzamdriel, shirkShirk scouts the mayor, Artenir gets indignant, and Pzamdriel is impressed.
Tags: artenir, coupon book, mayor of bob, pzamdriel, shirkPost-combat, Artenir applies some hasty field dressing to Pungent’s wounds. Or at least, he tries to.
Tags: artenir, hew, pungent, shirkOn Shirk’s action, he makes his target number, only to attract attention himself.
Tags: andrew, combat, orcs, shirkOnce Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones