The 7th Habit
December 1, 2004All attempts to self-improve Mark are doomed to failure.
Tags: andrew, filler, markAll attempts to self-improve Mark are doomed to failure.
Tags: andrew, filler, markThe GM gives away undeserved information, but feels justified in being vague about it.
Tags: andrew, animated, artenir, den cashier, guy in the corner, hew, mark, nate, pam, pungent, pzamdrielAn autobiographical tale of a recent trip to the airport.
Tags: filler, hamburgler, markIt IS a comic, but it’s not exactly OUaT…
Tags: filler, mark, nateA real-life conversation is translated into comic form, for all of the world to scratch their head at.
Tags: filler, mark, nateAlternate dialogue to the previous strip is provided for your amusement and distraction.
Tags: andrew, artenir, chad, filler, guy in the corner, mark, pzamdriel, shirkOnce Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones