(no thumbnail) Concern And Apathy August 29, 2002 Given their first real decision point the players choose, of course, to split the party. Tags: andrew, chad, doug, mark, nate, pam
(no thumbnail) Mixing Metaphors August 26, 2002 Trying hard to make his point, the NPC ends up taking everyone out of the game, just a bit. Tags: andrew, chad, mark, npc, pam, plot
(no thumbnail) Random NPC Exposition August 21, 2002 Playing an RPG? In a tavern? Odds are good a random NPC will come over and try to get a conversation out of you. Tags: andrew, hew, npc, plot, shirk
(no thumbnail) Still Nobody Appreciates Art August 16, 2002 Successful application of perform skills results in suitable rewards. Tags: andrew, artenir, chad, pam, sandwhich
(no thumbnail) Saturday Night Elf August 13, 2002 The party arrives at the Bob tavern, and Artenir decides to let loose. Sorta. Tags: andrew, artenir, chad, mark, pzamdriel
(no thumbnail) Very Nearly Unanimous August 9, 2002 Presented with the choice of what to do without Pungent, the group opts for the obvious. Tags: andrew, chad, mark, nate, pam
(no thumbnail) Names Are Important July 30, 2002 The new arrivals are approached by the town mayor, who introduces himself. Tags: andrew, chad, mark, pam
(no thumbnail) The Faces! The Faces! July 29, 2002 The party reaches town, and faces an unfortunate alternative to the faceless masses. Tags: andrew, artenir, chad, doug, hew, npcs, pungent, pzamdriel
(no thumbnail) Departure And Revelation July 22, 2002 The tide is turned and the attackers retreat. Tags: andrew, artenir, boltspell, combat, hew, orcs, pungent, pzamdriel, shirk
(no thumbnail) Hell Hath No Bolt Spells… July 19, 2002 Having been accidentally skipped in initiative order, Pzamdriel makes up for lost actions. Tags: andrew, boltspell, chad, combat, orcs, pam, pzamdriel