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Comics, Karma, and Cons

As is far too often the case, my original intention for today’s update was much smaller than the update itself was willing to put up with, so it throttled me until I agreed to expand on things a bit. Of course, I had no intention of posting the entire thing in a single update. Such an act might be seen as an attempt to make up for recent sub-par updates, and I just wouldn’t want to create an environment that encouraged such a misconception. Thus, you can expect the further adventures of Mark-In-A-Sack for one or two more updates.

…Which would have nothing to do with the fact that I will be at GenCon next weekend and will therefore have no time to produce a comic with actual new material. If you happen to be at GenCon as well, feel free to say hi. I’ll be the one playing games.

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones