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Playing With Himself

You Bisected My Comic!

Yes, I’m blaming you. Oh, wait. That was supposed to be you blaming me. Right.

See, here’s where I’m going with this. On Friday, you will once again be graced with an actual, honest-to-God (though perhaps not to many others) Once Upon A Table. It, too, will likely be stunted in the vertical dimension. See, I figure you all are sick of seeing random crap on Fridays, and I’m sick of cluttering my archives with the sort of random crap I might just skip over if it were in anyone else’s archives. And if I was going to use my “random crap” Fridays to produce actual comics anyway, I might as well number them.

Anyway, my plan is to have at least one double-size comic per week as a nefarious plan to do less work while seeming to provide more entertainment value.

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones