Yes, I’m late with a *filler strip*. Which will make it look REALLY lame when I finally put it up and you see the hurried, hack-job art I put into it.
It’s starting to look around here like the flaky kind of updates you get right before a webcartoonist says “screw all y’all” and walks away, never to be updated from again. But it only looks that way, I guarantee it.
Okay, so now you get your damn “filler” comic. Look at it! Look, I say! It’s twice the size of a normal comic! This proves that I’m just as insane as I useta-was. I took the opportunity of making this comic to play around with some new toys, meaning there are a few things that are a bit more crappy than I’d intended, but look at me not care.
Crap. Now I have to work on the next real comic.
Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones