Today’s strip signals the death of no less than two inking pens. Really, I should have stopped using them weeks ago, but I’m cheap like that. I’ve got several backups, but I had grown quite fond of these particular pens. I think I may have to hold a service for them. You know, before I fling them at dogs from my window, or something.
In other news, my computer is haunted. It appears that my reinstall succeeded only in allowing me to better partition my hard drives, and not in freeing me from the torment of the Mouse That Wouldn’t. Sometimes it wouldn’t move, sometimes it wouldn’t stop moving, and sometimes it wouldn’t listen to my woeful pleading as it bludgeoned me senseless.
The next step is to douse the whole thing in holy water. Now there’s a water-cooling system for you overclockers. Keep your CPU from overheating and falling victim to the influences of Satan all in one easy step. The problem comes from having to genuflect every time you approach your box.
Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones