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Poking Around

I Have Absolute Power Over History!

For the first time ever, I have imposed my immense, god-like power over my archives and reformed them in my image. One would assume that they would have been formed in my image originally, but I’m not always that bright.

The flexing of my amazing editorial powers reached all the way back to this past Monday, wherein an entire kingdom fell sway to my awesome, name-altering powers. In fact, so great are my abilities that I doubt very many of you at all can even recall what, for a brief span of four days, this target of my electronic White-Out was known as. I also seem to be making every effort to reenforce this situation by not actually telling you quite what I’m talking about.

Putting an end to this silliness, I shall simply tell you that the kingdom in question and the location for the entirety of the action thus far is now known as Rawhien. And it always has been.

Except for a brief period during the reign of King Gerry the Lengthwise, when a misplaced mortgage bill resulted in a repossession and the kingdom became known as “Property of First Profitable Bank” for about a week until finances were properly shuffled about.

…And a number of other short-lived incidents involving, variously, barnyard animals, unfortunate sporting wagers, large amounts of alcohol, and wheelbarrows with holes in the bottom and a tarp over the top. And, in one especially notable instance, all of the above.

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