As usual, my planned schedule has been disrupted by actual application. This means only that the current storyline shall proceed a bit longer than I expected. We should return to “normal” action by next week, or else I shall be forced to change the name of the comic to “Stupid Stuff About A Table”.
Return Of The King comes out this week, and once again I shall be attending the midnight premiere against my better judgement. The first two movies showed progressively greater liberties taken with the source material, so I go expecting to see more conversations with lines swapped between characters for no reason, the Barrow Downs magically transported to Mordor, Dwarven regiments at Pelennor Fields, an orcish rave at the foot of Mt. Doom, and something involving a lava lamp and a very special type of pipe weed.
Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones