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Wasted Effort


See, it’s like this… I’m an idiot. I had known beforehand that Tuesday’s comic would be delayed, so I did a wonderful thing and mentioned this in a little rant that was to appear with Monday’s comic. I then set that rant to appear on the 32nd of June.


Anyway, I fixed that little problem in the late afternoon on Tuesday, but odds are you didn’t see that. What happened was this: I was away from my comic-making utensils for more days than my backlog had comics. My slowly acquired (and minimal) lead was lost as you all shot past me in your tiny little running shorts.

Now I’m a comic behind.

In fact, it is now Wednesday, but you are looking at Tuesday’s comic. You can consider it a kind of Zen thing, if you like. It isn’t anything like one, but if thinking so improves your day slightly, who am I to argue?

Anyway, for at least this week you can expect me to be one day behind. I certainly expect me to be. Either I’ll catch up over the weekend, I’ll ignore the problem until everyone’s forgotten, or I’ll just pack up and move to an undisclosed location in the middle of the night.

On an unrelated note: Anyone looking to get rid of an undisclosed location cheap, I’d love to hear from you.

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