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One Man’s Curse Is Another Dwarf’s Treasure


Yes, we’re still dealing with that damn axe. But not to worry, we’ll be moving on and spending too much time on some other damn topic soon enough.

I’d say more, but I ill-advisedly purchased Final Fantasy Origins this week and I must return to the familiar yet eerily new experience. Imagine, Final Fantasy 1 with more than one savegame and without the angst-filled prayers that your savegame will be safe every time you turn the game on, off, change games, or sneeze a little too loud.

And yet I’m still nostalgic for the poor, ugly 8-bit graphics and music. Luckily, there’s any number of sprite-rip comics from which I can get my fix.

Now… what are the odds on a US release of Final Fantasy III, hmmmm?

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