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Searching For A Rant Topic

These little rant things are quite the puzzle. I’ve gotten into the habit of only updating them every Monday, which generally means Sunday evening finds me scrambling to come up with something to potentially amuse people. I guess I figure that the strip itself just isn’t enough.

The problem comes from choosing the topic. I simply don’t have the energy to write entire pages of exciting, nail-biting prose. I like the option of providing commentary on the day’s strip, but that involves me paying attention which is not a historically established event. Truthfully, an archived rant system doesn’t lend itself very well to a comic that updates as often as this one. So why do I continue posting these things? Because I’m whoring myself out to search engines, of course.

Despite this, I have yet to see any interesting search phrases like “Hot Muppet Sex” or “Star Wars Porn” show up in my logs. I find this disappointing. Other comics get amusing and somewhat dirty search phrases they can brag about. All I can brag about is that one person found me by searching for “sluggy freelance penny arcade”. I can only assume they were drastically disappointed. However, I aim to be disappointing people to a much greater extent. Imagine someone searching for “Girls Gone Wild” and instead getting Orcs Gone Poof.

Then again, that might be exactly what they were looking for. Kinky.

There. That should solve that problem.

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones