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Evil Has Its Price

Lightening Things Up

I just got some spam with the subject line of “Syria”. I’m not sure why, but that actually prompted me to open it. Apparently Syria speaks in a language composed entirely of punctuation and the word “viagra”.

Also, I’m wearing new pants!

Oh yes, and I’ve made some changes around here, too.

I’ve cleaned up the site design quite a bit, though much of the “table” feeling has been removed, which I guess just means it’s not as brown. But on the plus side- Hey, actual logo. I’d been hoping to have more done to the various other pages such as the gallery, and there are a few glitches to work out… But that will have to come later.

Why the change? Well, as of yesterday, Once Upon A Table is two years old! I figured that deserved some change for change’s sake, since I wasn’t about to put any extra effort into the actual comic.

So what do you think? Love it, hate it, really couldn’t care less? Go ahead and yell at me in the forums. Of course, I’ve arranged it so that I will be largely unable to actually respond or affect any sort of change on Friday. Buah. Suffer, my readers, suffer!

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones