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And It All Comes To A Giant, Flaming End

I Lied

Over the last couple years I’ve learned that writing comics is very different from other sorts of writing, at least the way I do it. Events that I’m sure will take only 6 panels turn into, oh, 24 panels as things leap unbidden out of my pencil and onto the paper. I try to erase them, but noooo, they just grab the eraser and hurl it across the room, forcing me to take cover behind whatever meager cover I can find until the tantrum is over. And then the screaming… oh God, the screaming….

In any case, I lied about the Table story being over. At least I followed though with the other half of my threat. Anyway, I can actually promise that this storyline ends this week. I can make such a rash statement only because, in a fit of unhealthy productivity, I have actually finished the relevant strips. Consider it a Christmas present.

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones